Monday, July 16, 2012

Google Docs - Food Poster

Hi Kids

I enjoy marking page 4 of your English handout. Most of the nonsense dishes that you have described in that activities are grossed, disgusting yet interesting.

Today, you had a wonderful moment discussing your food poster design with your partner.
You could view your group and other groups' posters through the links before.

After completing your poster, you are required to view your group members' posters that are placed in the same file.

3B Unit 2: There’s a Boy Under the Bed

1)      Study the slides for more information about poster design and task to do
2)      Open your group presentation slides to create your own poster in pairs
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:

You are to comment on the following :

1) Caption
2) Images used
3) Image placement 
4) Adjective used 

I will passing you a group rubric to assessment on your group posters.